December 13, 2024

Pan-African debates @ Kabakoo: Kigali x Bamako

Written by:
Leïla Keita

What's the secret of Kigali, Africa's cleanest city?

Pan-African debate at Kabakoo, tomorrow, July 14, 2021 at 12:00: Exchanges between Bamako and Kigali, known as the cleanest city in Africa and one of the cleanest in the world.
Kabakoo is proud to welcome FATOUMATA BOUBOU KOITA, President of the Mouvement #MaliPropre, Aissata Maiga and Adama Bamba of the Collectif Changement Au Mali for this pan-African debate.
During this discussion with the Kigali_Portal, we will try to understand the secrets of the success of Kigali as a clean city, an example and a model to be replicated across Africa.
Pan-African debates @ Kabakoo: Kigali x Bamako