


Pioneering Digital Upskilling in the Sahel

Kabakoo Academies offers comprehensive training in digital skills, focused on local needs and innovation. The program includes modules in web design, web development, no-code tools, Gen AI, and personal development. In addition to digital skills, the modules extend to project management, climate-resilient innovation, and social entrepreneurship skills. These skills enable learners to support their existing entrepreneurial activity or project, or to effectively respond to requests from local companies seeking digital talents capable of supporting their transition towards more digitalized operations.

Since 2021 Kabakoo has upskilled more than 3000 learners through the Digital Makers cohorts. To achieve this with have partnered with institutions and organizations such as the National Directorate for the Digital Economy of the Republic of Mali, the European Union Delegation Mali,  the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), the Agency Fund, and others.

Modibo S.

"J'ai eu la chance d'avoir les ressources nécessaires pour aller à l'université dans mon pays, mais je dois admettre que cela ne m'a pas vraiment aidé car les cours qui y étaient dispensés étaient vraiment déconnectés de ma vie quotidienne. Une fois à Kabakoo, j'ai appris en quelques mois comment créer de la valeur et gagner ma vie tout en résolvant activement le problème des déchets plastiques autour de moi."

Il a lancé une entreprise de recyclage
pendant sa formation à Kabakoo.
Aminata F.

"Chaque jour à Kabakoo, j'apprends quelque chose de nouveau. J'ai beaucoup appris en regardant non seulement la technologie mais aussi les traditions locales. J'ai l'impression que nous apprenons vraiment à réaliser notre avenir et à résoudre nos problèmes ensemble. Nous échangeons nos opinions, partageons nos préoccupations et nous nous soutenons mutuellement."

Développement de solutions dans le cadre de notre groupe de travail sur les apprenants
contre le covid-19
Abeba B.

"Les connaissances locales et traditionnelles sont souvent opposées aux technologies modernes et de pointe. Les marier demande une appréciation particulière du traditionnel et du moderne. Kabakoo est construit sur de telles valeurs, c'est pourquoi j'apprécie de faire partie de la communauté."

Éthique de l'IA CHERCHEUR

A developed multidisciplinary learning approach

Web Design Module

Covers web design fundamentals, including logo creation, UX, and Design Thinking. Emphasizes  tools such as Figma and Webfow for agile design.

No-code Module

Focuses on no-code tools for website and app creation, process automation, and database management. Includes practical training with Glide, Airtable, Zapier, Softr, and Notion.

Web Development Module

Enhances no-code skills, covering website functionality, types, and roles in web design and development.

Mindset-oriented Modules

In addition to technical skills, our digital training program emphasizes transversal skills through our core modules: "Learning to Learn", "Visualizing to Succeed," , “value creation” and "Storytelling." These modules help learners better understand their own learning processes and effectively communicate their ideas and projects.

The KLIPs - Kabakoo Local Innovation Projects

KLIPs are practical projects where learners apply skills acquired during their training to real and immediate community challenges⁠. This is a fundamental aspect of Kabakoo's pedagogy. It represents a circular learning approach that strengthens Kabakoo's commitment to sustainable practices and community integration⁠.

This approach connects theoretical knowledge and practical application, ensuring that the skills learned are directly applicable to and integrated within the local socio-economic context. KLIPs cover various areas such as agroecology, circular economy, fashion, and crafts⁠.

The KLIP initiative aims to bridge the gap between so-called "informal" businesses (which represent over 80% of the economy in countries such as Mali) and educational institutions. Kabakoo is well-positioned to achieve this integration, which no other learning structure has successfully accomplished yet.

Modibo S.

"J'ai eu la chance d'avoir les ressources nécessaires pour aller à l'université dans mon pays, mais je dois admettre que cela ne m'a pas vraiment aidé car les cours qui y étaient dispensés étaient vraiment déconnectés de ma vie quotidienne. Une fois à Kabakoo, j'ai appris en quelques mois comment créer de la valeur et gagner ma vie tout en résolvant activement le problème des déchets plastiques autour de moi."

Il a lancé une entreprise de recyclage
pendant sa formation à Kabakoo.
Aminata F.

"Chaque jour à Kabakoo, j'apprends quelque chose de nouveau. J'ai beaucoup appris en regardant non seulement la technologie mais aussi les traditions locales. J'ai l'impression que nous apprenons vraiment à réaliser notre avenir et à résoudre nos problèmes ensemble. Nous échangeons nos opinions, partageons nos préoccupations et nous nous soutenons mutuellement."

Développement de solutions dans le cadre de notre groupe de travail sur les apprenants
contre le covid-19
Abeba B.

"Les connaissances locales et traditionnelles sont souvent opposées aux technologies modernes et de pointe. Les marier demande une appréciation particulière du traditionnel et du moderne. Kabakoo est construit sur de telles valeurs, c'est pourquoi j'apprécie de faire partie de la communauté."

Éthique de l'IA CHERCHEUR


Flexible Hybrid Learning at Kabakoo

Kabakoo provides a flexible hybrid learning model, blending online sessions with real-life community engagement. This flexible approach allows learners to balance personal commitments with skill development.

Twice-weekly in-person sessions foster direct interaction and community support. By combining digital convenience with face-to-face engagement, we provide a comprehensive, adaptable experience tailored to individual needs and schedules.


Personalized coaching and mentoring

Kabakoo offers personalized support and active mentoring, where each learner is followed by a network of mentors and peer-facilitators who accompany them throughout their learning journey.

One of the innovations implemented to support our digital upskilling cohorts is the AI mentor. Available 24/7 directly in our mobile application, our virtual mentor acts as a life coach for each learner.

Moreover, we have invested in developing Bambara language support alongside French, enabling learners to communicate vocally in their native language with the AI mentor. By offering support in local languages, we ensure that our digital upskilling program is accessible to a wider range of learners.


Rapid and Lasting  Impact

Our digital upskilling program delivers tangible results. Within just six months of completing the training, 42% of participants secured job opportunities or client projects directly related to their new skills, with an impressive 65% of these being paid engagements.

Even more remarkably, after 18 months, this figure rose to 46%, with 42% of these opportunities being compensated. These outcomes clearly demonstrate the immediate and lasting impact of our training on creating professional opportunities and fostering entrepreneurship.

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