


Designing and building habitats for tomorrow.

The inovation Lab “Regenerative Futures in the Sahel” is an integrated platform open to Sahel youth, local and international experts to explore and test prototypes of regenerative and highdigenous architecture and urbanism in the Sahel.

The Innovation Lab offers a unique training program in Regenerative Architecture and Extended Reality.

Through the Innovation Lab, a multidisciplinary group of students and young professionals from the construction sector will be trained in regenerative architecture and extended reality.

A six-month hybrid training program based in Bamako.

Creating and telling stories about regenerative architecture in the Sahel via extended reality (AR & VR)

Workshops on possible architectural futures with local communities


Regenerative futures

in the Sahel


Concevoir et construire des habitats pour demain.

L'Innovation Lab "Regenerative Futures in the Sahel" est une formation intégrée ouverte aux jeunes du Sahel, aux expert·e·s locaux et internationales, dans le but d'explorer et de tester des prototypes d'architecture régénérative au Sahel.

Grâce à l'Innovation Lab, un groupe pluridisciplinaire d'étudiant·e·s et de jeunes professionnel·le·s du secteur de la construction sera former à l'architecture régénérative.

Une formation hybride de six mois avec Bamako comme base.

Créer et raconter des histoires sur l'architecture régénérative au Sahel via la réalité étendue (AR & VR)

Ateliers autour des futurs possibles de l'habitat avec les communautés locales

Pourquoi ?

The challenges of training and climate change mitigation are enormous. The Sahel has been a major place for the circulation and exchange of knowledge for centuries. The Malian city of Timbuktu was home to the oldest university in Africa.

There's an urgent need to merge emerging technologies and local knowledge to design and implement regenerative ecosystems, because ...

Every year, more than 24 million people need housing in Africa...

7 of the 10 countries most vulnerable to climate change are in Africa.

Local building forms are the sources of regenerative architecture.


Pourquoi ?

Les défis à relever en matière de formation et d'atténuation du changement climatique sont énormes. Le Sahel est un lieu majeur de circulation et d'échange de connaissances depuis des siècles. La ville malienne de Tombouctou a abritéla plus ancienne université d'Afrique.

Il est urgent de fusionner les technologies émergentes et les connaissances locales pour concevoir et mettre en place des écosystèmes régénératifs car ...

Chaque année, plus de 24 millions de personnes ont besoin de logements en Afrique.

7 des 10 pays les plus vulnérables au changement climatique sont en Afrique.

Les formes locales de construction sont les sources de l'architecture régénérative.



3 to 5 use cases for regenerative architecture in the Sahel

3 to 5 proofs of concept using extended reality

Interactive documentation of workshops with local communities

Dedicated website


3 to 5 use cases for regenerative architecture in the Sahel

3 to 5 proofs of concept using extended reality

Interactive documentation of workshops with local communities

Dedicated website



3 à 5 cas d'utilisation de l'architecture régénérative au Sahel

3 à 5 preuves de concept en utilisant la réalité étendue

Documentation interactive des ateliers avec les communautés locales

Site web dédié

Hybrid training curriculum


Interactive sessions with mentors in the following areas

Regenerative architecture

Local materials and architectural cultures

Ethnographic design

XR development

Case studies rooted in local communities


Collaborative reflection on

The social status of local materials

The environmental and health implications of architecture

Exploring alternative futures for architectural standards and practices in the Sahel

Réflexion collaborative sur :
⚖️le statut social des matériaux locaux
🌳Les implications environnementales et sanitaires de l'architecture.
💡L'exploration des futurs alternatifs des normes et pratiques architecturales au Sahel.


Curriculum de la formation hybride

Des sessions interactives avec des mentors dans les domaines suivants :
🌱Architecture régénérative
📍Matériaux locaux et cultures architecturales
💻Design ethnographique
🚀Développement XR
🏙️ Cas pratiques ancrés dans les communautés locales

Réflexion collaborative sur :
⚖️le statut social des matériaux locaux
🌳Les implications environnementales et sanitaires de l'architecture.
💡L'exploration des futurs alternatifs des normes et pratiques architecturales au Sahel.


Course outline

September 2024

Call for applications throughout the Sahel region

October to February 2025

Training (online and in-person workshops)

February to April 2025

Creating and telling architectural stories through extended reality

April 2025

Workshops with local communities



Juillet 2023

Appel à candidatures à travers la région du Sahel

Septembre à décembre 2023

Formation (ateliers en ligne et en présentiel)

Janvier à février 2024

Créer et raconter des histoires d'architecture via la réalité étendue

Mars 2024

Ateliers avec les communautés locales


Highdigenous Architecture Masterclass

Luxuary is what you currently have!
In this session with Mendzi Ndlovu, learners reflected on the meaning of luxury in architecture, materials, and furniture shaping our spaces and lives. Decolonizing and unlearning popular notions of luxury is vital for Sahelian and African architecture, which is rooted in local imaginations and draws from endogenous knowledge.
Design and architecture in Afro-tropical environments: scalability
In this exchange, Noukpo Jean-Paul Houndeffo brought us the vision of a professional in architecture and design. Here we looked at product and furniture design, architecture and urban planning, in favour of ingenious creative solutions adapted to Afro-tropical climatic and cultural contexts.
The architectural creativity of Africa's youth
This masterclass brought together Nigerian students Abdulhameed Yakubu, Amina Musa, Rayyan Garba, and Khadija Oyanki, winners of the fifth prize in the International Architectural Ideas Competition by the UIA, and Kabakoo learners. The goal was to explore contemporary architectural possibilities and imaginaries using earth and local, natural materials.
Towards Afrocentric and endogenous urban patterns
During session with William Ahokpe, who presented his current research topic, revolving around endogenous urban and village forms and models in the medium-sized secondary towns of West Africa. Through his research, he talks about the need to return to endogenous urban and village models, imbued with local intelligence and territorial management.
Introduction to bamboo structures & parametric architecture
During this masterclass, Maddalena Losindaco explained the importance of involving local communities in bamboo construction projects. She discussed the benefits of this approach, as well as the various applications of bamboo.
Decolonizing architecture in Africa
Emaelaf Tebikew Yalew led a workshop on decolonizing architecture and reintroducing local materials for climate-friendly designs in Africa. He highlighted the dominance of concrete since colonization. Learners, already familiar with these ideas, shared their thoughts and discussed the circular economic potential of using endogenous materials in architecture.
Agroecology and urban agriculture in the Sahel
Our speaker, Oumar Diabaté, interested in urban agriculture, presented the fundamentals and concepts of agroecology and urban agriculture and their immense potential in the Sahel region.
Urban biodiversity in Sahelian cities
Ferdinand Enok Combary, spoke about the place of nature in our lives and our cities, whether through economic and agricultural activities, or through the greening of cities, so necessary in the Sahel region given the serious impacts of climate change.
Introduction to Design Fiction
In this session with Saran Diakité Kara, learners explored the importance of deconstructing imaginations and discovering alternatives to stimulate creativity and value creation through design. The interactive masterclass included an exercise on design fiction, focusing on desirable sobriety in the context of Sahelian cities, encouraging learners to explore new possibilities.
Promoting Berber villages through Interactive Digital Cinema
Tunisian architects Nadia Bouzgarou, Khaled Abdallah and Oumaima Bourouis shared their experience with us. In particular, they presented the project they have developed around the enhancement of Berber sites and villages in the Dahar mountains in Tunisia, using innovative tools such as Interactive Digital Cinema.
L'Art d'Habiter
The idea of this masterclass with Chab Touré was to introduce the learners to the idea of their living space as a living space, and thus to consider the impact of these living spaces on the well-being of the inhabitants, their comfort and even their psychological state.
Redesigning Social Housing Through African-Built-Indigenous Knowledge Systems
This masterclass with Zivai Mamutse enabled cohort learners and community members to see concrete examples of in-depth research into endogenous African knowledge and its subtle integration into contemporary architecture in response to specific challenges.
Housing and the restructuring of precarious neighborhoods in the Sahel
This masterclass with Armelle Choplin, building on the "Villes paysannes, villes de demain" module, explored the future of Sahelian cities. Through discussions, simulations, and Armelle's experiences, learners gained insight into urban complexity, considering land, social, environmental, and political factors crucial for shaping these cities' development models.
Extended Reality in Africa: Changing the technology narratives
Aiyenuro Oluwaseun shared his experience with extended reality technologies, highlighting the obstacles he faced and the importance of learning communities and collaboration to exceed goals. He also showcased architectural works, demonstrating how immersive technologies are revolutionizing architectural practices in Nigeria and globally.
Developing extended reality learning communities in the Sahel
Issa Touré, Mamadou Oury Diallo, and the learners discussed 3D modeling of Sahelian cities and its potential in imagining alternative futures for their development. The debate also addressed the need to democratize access to these technologies in African contexts and the importance of connecting communities working to build this emerging ecosystem.
Developing extended reality learning communities in the Sahel
Matthew Isikhuemen, who has a background in architecture, shared with the learners some very interesting examples of how he has used virtual reality in this field, particularly in Nigeria. Arome Ibrahim also shared some very inspiring thoughts on the activities of Immersive Tech Africa and the importance of gender inclusion in access to these technologies.
Ecodome Maroc
Learners explored Youness Ouazri's entrepreneurial journey in creating a company specializing in contemporary earth construction. They also learned how an innovative, indigenous architectural prototype can elevate the social status of local materials and access the ecological and regenerative construction market in the Sahel.
Une aventure entrepreneuriale dans les matériaux de construction en terre
Amara shared his journey in England and Indonesia, highlighting his fascination with earth as a construction material. His university's lack of courses on endogenous African architecture drove him to explore the Sahel's architectural wealth, leading to his company. Learners found his challenges and market status inspiring as they considered regenerative architecture.
La cartographie open-source : enjeux et potentiels
Noemi introduced mapping to learners and the Kabakoo community, covering data collection, sharing, biases, and open-source tools. This session highlighted mapping's role in addressing Sahelian city issues, marking a crucial step in understanding how open-source mapping can democratize the Innovation Lab's objectives and stimulate work on future visions for Sahelian cities.
Les fibres végétales, de l’artisanat à l’architecture
In this masterclass, Samba Sangaré, a Mali-based craftsman, shared his expertise in furniture and architectural elements made from vegetable fibers, rattan, and bamboo. He guided learners in bamboo experiments and discussed his journey and vision for using vegetal fibers, concluding with a demonstration of weaving and assembly techniques.
Semmama, rhizome vivant. Design anthropology et cartographie sensible
Originally from Mexico and Italy and residing in Tunisia and Mali, Alessandro, an anthropologist, shared his experiences at the Cultural Center for Arts and Crafts in Semmama, Tunisia, with the Kabakoo community. His work exemplifies the resilience of an underserved community through the active involvement of its youth in artistic, cultural, and sporting activities.
MCA Architects - TECLA – Technology and Clay
Lapo Naldoni, an R&D expert at MCA Architects, presented the first eco-sustainable housing model 3D printed from local raw earth during bamako.ai #2. This innovation sparked debates on the future of architecture, 3D mechanization and printing in construction, and its potential impact in the Sahelian context.
Construire le futur en bambou et terre
German architect Markus Roselieb shared his bamboo architectural designs during bamako.ai #2, drawing from ancestral knowledge, organic forms, and contemporary technologies. His works sparked debates on the role of local and natural materials in the architecture of the future.
25 ans au service de nos architectures, quelles leçons tirées ?
Mamadou Koné, the patron of the Regenerative Architecture and Extended Reality cohort at Kabakoo, shared his exceptional journey as a Malian architect dedicated to the country’s architectural heritage. He has traveled across northern Mali, from Bandiagara to Mopti, Djenné, and Timbuktu, renovating and restoring iconic earthen mausoleums and mosques.
Créer de la valeur grâce au patrimoine
A cultural heritage professional in Mali since 1979, former National Director of Cultural Heritage, and Vice-President of ICOMOS-MALI, Lassana Cissé is a significant figure in the heritage sector in Mali and Africa. During this masterclass, he shared insights with young people on how to create value through cultural heritage.


Achievements of learners in the first session of the cohort

Learners in the 2023-2024 cohort were able to innovate and create highdigenous, futuristic architectures adapted to Sahelian contexts.

⬤ See their achievements


Some of the Mentors

Armelle Choplin
Urban planner and professor at the University of Geneva, author of “Concrete City: Material Flows and Urbanization in West Africa”, Geneva

“What if concrete were just another “artificial need”? What if it were possible to live without it, as some people are proving, against the tide of the 150 tonnes of cement poured around the world every second, and against the tide of capitalist hegemony?  And what if this vast undertaking began in Africa, the birthplace of concrete utopias? It is perhaps in Africa that original ways of knowing how to be in the world and produce the city are being written.”

Ton mentor en analyse d'audiences
Madiana Hazoumé
Civil engineer specialized in building energy efficiency, Cotounou

“The concrete industry, the import of building materials and air conditioning generate a lot of greenhouse gases that increase global warming. By 2050, the population of the Sahel region is set to more than double, so we're going to be building and pouring a lot of concrete, which will further exacerbate the global warming to which the region is most exposed. So it's in our interest to review our construction practices in depth.”

Ton mentor en photographie
Yanick Kemayou
Chief Learning Officer, Bamako

“Learning to learn is an essential skill for improving one's life, both personally and professionally. To be able to innovate and propose touching and impactful construction projects it's therefore an inescapable asset to develop good learning habits. See you soon for our first module!"

Ton mentor en illustration et animation
Mamadou Koné
Architect and restorer of Timbuktu's historic sites

“I had to study art and aesthetics abroad at an internationally renowned university to be able to understand and appreciate the grandeur of African architecture. Today, I'm committed to the transmission of this knowledge and the emergence of new forms of architecture in the Sahel.”

Ton mentor en illustration et animation
Lassana Cissé
Anthropologist and heritage expert, former National Heritage Director

“Kabakoo's Laboratory for Innovations in Regenerative Architecture has rekindled in me the hope that there are still enthusiasts ready to defend local architectures. I'm looking forward to sharing my experience and seeing new talents emerge who are ready to preserve our heritage.”

Ton mentor en illustration et animation


Quelques un·e·s des Mentors

Armelle Choplin
Urbaniste et professeure à l'Université de Genève, autrice de “Matière grise de l'urbain. La vie du ciment en Afrique”, Génève

“Et si le béton n’était qu’un «besoin artificiel» parmi d’autres ? Et s’il était possible de vivre sans lui comme le prouvent certains, à contre-courant de ces 150 tonnes de ciment coulées dans le monde chaque seconde et à contre-courant de l’hégémonie capitaliste?  Et si cette vaste entreprise commençait en Afrique, lieux d’utopies concrètes ? C’est peut-être en Afrique que s’écrivent des manières originales de savoir être au monde et de produire la ville.”

Ton mentor en analyse d'audiences
Madiana Hazoumé
Ingénieur Génie civil spécialisée en efficacité énergétique du bâtiment, Cotounou

“L’industrie du béton, l’importation des matériaux de construction et la climatisation génèrent beaucoup de gaz à effet de serre qui augmentent le réchauffement climatique. Or d’ici 2050, la population de la région du Sahel va plus que doubler donc on va construire et couler beaucoup de béton, et encore renforcer le réchauffement climatique que la région subit de la manière la plus forte. On a donc intérêt à revoir en profondeur nos pratiques de construction.”

Ton mentor en photographie
Yanick Kemayou
Chief Learning Officer, Bamako

“Apprendre à apprendre est une compétence essentielle pour améliorer sa vie, autant personnelle que professionnelle. Pour pouvoir innover et proposer des projets de construction touchants et impactants c'est donc un atout incontournable de développer les bonnes habitudes d'apprentissage. A bientôt pour notre premier module!”

Ton mentor en illustration et animation
Mamadou Koné
Architecte et restaurateur des sites historiques de Tombouctou

“J’ai dû étudier l'art et l'esthétique à l'étranger dans une université de renommée internationale pour pouvoir comprendre et apprécier la grandeur des architectures africaines. Aujourd’hui, je m’engage pour la transmission de ces connaissances et l’émergence de nouvelles formes d’architecture au Sahel.

Ton mentor en illustration et animation
Lassana Cissé
Anthropologue et expert du Patrimoine, ancien Directeur national du Patrimoine

“Le Laboratoire d’Innovations de Kabakoo en architecture régénérative a ravivé en moi l'espoir qu'il y a encore des passionnés prêts à défendre les architectures locales. Je suis impatient de partager mon expérience et de voir émerger de nouveaux talents prêts à préserver notre patrimoine."

Ton mentor en illustration et animation