Innovating, Upskilling, Shaping the Sahel’s Future

Success is possible.
We connect youth, local communities, and open-minded people from all over the world to collaboratively solve real-life challenges while using high-tech and indigenous knowledges. The Kabakoo Learning Experience equips young people in the Sahel with the skills to generate value by starting businesses, getting jobs, and stewarding climate-resilient communities.

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Apprendre les techniques agiles de leapfrogging

Every year, over 10 million young Africans struggle to enter local job markets. Less than 30% secure decent employment. The rest face unemployment, precarious informal jobs, or migration. Even those fortunate enough to attend school—graduating high school, earning a B.A., or pursuing one or two Master's degrees—often end up with a ‘PhD’ in survival tactics.

On top of that, the Sahel faces critical development challenges due to acute climate vulnerability and rapid urbanization. Temperatures are rising 1.5 times faster than the global average, with a country such as Mali ranking 166th out of 181 countries in climate change readiness.

Kabakoo Academies tackles these challenges head-on. We offer a fresh, innovative approach to education and skill-building that works.

We design, build, and scale livelihood innovations by leveraging emerging tech and indigenous knowledges. Furthermore, we emphasize creative, project-based learning and integrate local knowledge to ensure our learners and alumni achieve real-world success.


Our learners enjoy online learning through our AI-powered app, with our network of professionals, paired with real-life projects to make it collaborative and experiential.


Learners discover how to fuse high-tech and local indigenous knowledges to ensure the acquisition of locally relevant skills.


By challenging fixed mindsets and promoting a growth mindset, we enable learners to envision and pursue broader possibilities for their lives.

Our Diverse Team : Experience-Driven Innovation

At Kabakoo Academies, our diverse team of 10 African nationalities is our foundation. With over 90% of our members, including founders Yannick Kemayou and Michele Traore, having faced the same challenges as our learners, we bring personal experience to our mission. This drives our passion for creating innovative, hands-on upskilling experiences. We blend this lived experience with technical expertise and deep local insights to deliver transformative, relevant uspkilling solutions to young people across the Sahel region.

One of the coolest things about the Kabakoo Academies staff is the GrowthMindset and the challenges that come with it... So if you're not afraid of challenges: Come on board 🌊 🚀

Ousmane Mahamane Maïga - AI Engineer

Can't wait 🚀! Here, you'll fall in love with the system. We work, we play, and we love what we are doing; personally, I'm a big fan of the growth mindset 👌🏿. I learn and grow every day, and that's a process I adore

Godwin Houdji - Quantitative Researcher


La méthode Kabakoo

Kabakoo Academies is building the first sustainability-focused EdTech by merging high-tech and indigenous knowledges to deliver transformative experiences. Our model of highdigenous approach fosters localized innovation and successfully equips African youths with the necessary agile skills for leapfrogging into sustainable futures. In less than six years of operation, Kabakoo's unique model has been praised by the likes of the African Union, the UNESCO and the World Economic Forum as a major innovation on the global education landscape.


Transforming Education in West Africa with AI

At Kabakoo, we're revolutionizing education with our AI-powered virtual mentor. Kabakoo is, recognized by the World Economic Forum as a global leader in AI-driven learning. Integrated into our mobile app, our AI- mentor provides 24/7 personalized guidance, adapting to each learner's progress and needs. Our highdigenous approach blends cutting-edge AI with cultural relevance, offering support in local languages like Bambara, aiming to democratize access to quality education and prepare west African youth to navigate informal economies.


Designing and building habitats for tomorrow

The inovation Lab “Regenerative Futures in the Sahel” is an integrated platform open to Sahel youth, local and international experts to explore and test prototypes of regenerative and highdigenous architecture and urbanism in the Sahel. The Innovation Lab offers a unique training program in Regenerative Architecture and Extended Reality.

et ancré localement

Une pédagogie unique et reconnue dans le monde entier, mêlant haute technologie et savoirs locaux pour garantir la réussite dans la vie réelle.

Coachs de classe mondiale

Boot-camps, ateliers et masterclasses avec des experts ayant fait leurs preuves dans leur domaine.


Un apprentissage orienté vers l'avenir avec des outils orientés vers l'avenir ; nos plateformes de données aident les apprenants à atteindre leurs objectifs individuels.

Self-paced and inclusive

A learner-centered model to allow everyone to own their learning experience and grow at that own pace and style within a community Pioneering AI Innovation in West Africa, organized by Kabakoo Academies, is a groundbreaking yearly event  bringing together AI experts, startups, artists, and local communities to shape Africa's AI future. It combines cutting-edge technology with indigenous knowledge, embodying Kabakoo's "Highdigenous" approach. The event features masterclasses, workshops, art exhibitions, and innovation challenges. promotes meaningful AI learning and engagement while raising awareness of potential challenges. By leveraging AI for innovation and value creation, while celebrating  the Sahel's rich heritage, opens new perspectives for the Sahelian youth in AI innovation.

Our Data-Driven Approach and International Recognition

At Kabakoo, data is at the core of everything we do. We employ a rigorous, data-driven approach not only to measure and evaluate our impact but also to inform our decision-making processes, optimize our learning experiences, and drive innovation.

Our commitment to data-driven excellence has earned Kabakoo international acclaim, including recognition from the World Economic Forum as a leader in AI-driven education, with UNESCO and the African Union highlighting Kabakoo's innovative model.

Être mis au défi par de solides mentors

Fady T.

"Chez Kabakoo, j'ai trouvé un nouveau foyer, un endroit où je me sens accepté et valorisé. Je peux apprendre à mon propre rythme et recevoir le soutien d'autres personnes confrontées aux mêmes problèmes que moi ; et aussi le soutien de professionnels et de mentors internationaux que je n'aurais jamais rêvé d'avoir."

Elle a lancé une entreprise d'agritech
pendant sa formation chez Kabakoo.
Adama B.

“The workshops and the community are available 24/7, with all the knowledge we need; and it is financially really affordable. We can learn and believe in us. Kabakoo shows us that we all can be heroes.”

Il a lancé une entreprise de recyclage
pendant sa formation à Kabakoo.

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